Showing posts with label pimples treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pimples treatment. Show all posts

Appropriate Treatment for Pimples

Pimples are the worst thing that can happen to anybody. They cause embarrassment and impact a person emotionally and psychologically. Pimple or acne can occur due to several reasons and they can come on the face, neck, shoulders and back. Though pimples are more common among teenagers but even adults get them. Regardless of the cause of pimples, it is crucial to find the right treatment for pimples. 

Treating the Cause:

There are several products available for pimples in the market. Most of these claim to be magical creams that do away with pimples within a short time. However, this is not the correct treatment. On the contrary, the aim of any treatment for pimples should be to focus on the root cause of the breakouts. Only when the main cause is determined and treated, the appearance of pimples on the skin can reduce. Otherwise, it might just be a temporary solution and in due course of time, they will appear again.

A Twofold Treatment:

Pimples usually occur due to two main reasons: 

  • Pimple breakouts can be due to hormonal imbalances
  • The toxic agents present in the body can also result in breakouts.

You need to figure out what is triggering the outbreak of the pimples. On the basis of that, you can bring some changes in your daily routine. Drink plenty of water to flush out the harmful toxins from your system. A healthy diet comprising of balanced nutrients can also help in treating pimples naturally.

Some Outstanding Options:

Some people experience severe outbreak of pimples. For them only home remedies, diet check, water and reducing stress is not sufficient. If you belong to the same group, you need to find out some foolproof treatment for pimples. Technology has progressed, and there are lots of options available. These include:

  • Blue light therapy- The skin is exposed to blue light of a low intensity for destroying chronic pimples
  • Heat energy therapy- The oil production is decreased when the skin is exposed to a combination of heat and green yellow light.

Consulting a Health Professional:

Instead of trying to treat pimples on your own, it is best to consult a healthcare professional. He will determine the exact cause of the problem before recommending any treatment for pimples. Moreover, there are several FDA approved medicines available in the market. These are mostly designed for oral applications and can treat the problem from the roots. You can try out these medicines if your doctor recommends it in order to experience some difference. At the same time, you should also make sure that you keep your face clean and remove makeup, especially at night before going to bed. 

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