How to Stop Hair Fall - Simple Tips you Can Try at Home

When you look great, it is reflected in your attitude. You become confident and outgoing. Hence, it is very important to take care of yourself, especially of your hair. You often see a number of people suffering from premature baldness. A few preventive steps can go a long way in postponing this process. 

Men and women alike, spend a good amount of time and money on their appearance. Everyone enjoys getting dressed for an occasion, pulling out all the stops and looking great. When you look great, you automatically feel great and this is reflected in your attitude, you strut around with a new sense of self confidence. 

However, when you are aware of a flaw in your appearance, you become self-conscious, you lack confidence and this is evident to all those around you. Hair loss, is one such issue that has been haunting both men and women for years. When your hair starts to thin, you become extremely mindful of it and this brings about a change in your behaviour. Hence, it is very important to be aware of hair loss and take the necessary steps in order to reduce it. If need be, you can go for homeopathy hair treatment in order to help stimulate growth. 

If the primary signs are ignored, it could lead to premature baldness. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of hair fall and take a few steps to prevent it. Here are a few easy to do tips: 

  • Vitamin Supplements  

When you were a kid, your mother often told you to take vitamins. You always said you would take them, but never did. The fact of the matter is, these supplements are beneficial for both your body and your hair. Vitamin A works as an anti-oxidant, Vitamin E helps stimulate circulation and Vitamin B complex helps in the production of melanin. All of these vitamins help in hair fall control and can pay a part in strengthening your hair.

  • Lifestyle Changes

Your fast pace lifestyle could play a major role in the loss of hair. Making some simple changes in your diet could help control the problem. High protein food like fish, eggs and soy have been proven to help reduce hair loss. Decreasing the levels of stress and taking out a few moments of your day, to exercise will also help in minimizing hair loss. 

  • Treatments

There are a number of natural treatments that can be done at home, which will leave your hair looking great. Massaging the roots of your hair with a little oil helps to increase circulation and thus, strengthens the hair follicles. The oils provide natural nutrients and vitamins, leaving the hair shiny and beautiful. Applying garlic, onion or ginger juice to the roots of your hair and leaving it overnight also helps in hair growth. Applying green tea brewed in water to your scalp, is also believed to reduce hair fall. 

These are just a few changes that can be made, in your day to day life. A combination of all three processes will help to ensure your scalp in healthy and that hair fall is reduced, to the bare minimum. Incorporating even a few of these tips can help to minimize hair loss. 

Homeopathy Hair Treatment: A Holistic Method

Shiny, smooth and strong hair is a sign that a person has good health. However, there are a number of problems which people may face as a result of side-effects to different medicines, erratic sleep cycle, deficient diet, etc. Some of the main problems associated with hair include hall fall, dandruff, graying of hair, consequences of coloured hair, limp and lifeless hair, lice problem, etc.   Owing to the constant exposure to sunlight and polluted air, which are two factors which take away the luster and life away from hair many young people are prone to a number of hair problems right from an early age. Hair fall which is one of the most common problems that is faced by almost everyone is a problem that needs to be handled with care.

 Various aspects of one’s life from diet; sleep cycle, etc. need to be scrutinized to understand any underlying factor which may contribute.  Dandruff is another common problem that people face. This shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp is unavoidable and there are a number of treatments as well as anti-dandruff shampoos which are available to treat this problem. Hot oil treatments are known to be one effective method in treating this problem.  Lice problem is a major concern, especially for people who are constantly on the move and interact with a large number of people.

Although there are many medicated shampoos which can be used to treat this hair problem and eliminate lice from one’s hair and scalp there are also a number of natural remedies which can be used. One of these methods includes mixing a few drops of lemon juice to garlic paste and applying this to the scalp for sometime before shampooing. Many youngsters are extremely fond of colouring their hair; however there are a number of consequences which are known to leave behind adverse effects on one’s hair. It is very important to use a coloured hair shampoo and conditioner that is suitable with your hair type.   Very often certain hair styles may cause a number of hair problems such as premature hair loss.

While there are a number of medications as well as products that are available in the market for treating various hair-related problems one of the most effective methods is homeopathic hair treatment. Homeopathic treatments are known to be the most effective method of treating any sort of hair problem as it deals with the problem from the root cause. This treatment method is administered only after the homeopathic practitioner analyzes an entire case study examining all the emotional, physical and mental symptoms. There are a number of homeopathic hair loss treatment steps which can treat hair problems.

Some of the popular homeopathic medicines for hair loss include:

  • Arsenicum Album, which is prescribed for those people who have hair loss as a result of irritability, depression or anxiety.
  • Thuja and Graphite, which are prescribed when hair loss is a result of constipation/slow moving system
  • Phosphorus, which is prescribed when hair is lost in large amounts (clumps) along with the occurrence of dandruff.

There are a number of benefits of homeopathic hair treatment. Not only is this method the safest as well as the most authentic hair loss remedy; but it is also free from posing any side-effects on the individual. This treatment method eliminates any chance that hair loss may recur again. This method also promotes overall health in a legitimate manner.

Fighting Hair Loss: Start Small… Work Your Way Up

Hair loss in men is not an uncommon problem but the age has certainly lowered with many younger people developing this problem. Many youngsters, even in their 20’s are inching towards baldness and that is a leap away from the generation where men in their 40’s initially faced this problem.

In fact, hair loss at this tender age is often a result of an increasingly stressful lifestyle or poor lifestyle habits. It is extremely important to get seven hours of sleep daily, have regular intakes of water, a balanced diet and ensure you have the right amount of nutrients, proteins and vitamins taken in. Any disturbance could adversely affect your hair.

Androgenetic alopecia, (male pattern baldness-MPB) is one of the main causes for hair loss amongst men. Characterised by a receding hairline and thinning crown, the problem eventually progresses into an apparent baldness throughout the scalp. This leaves behind a rim, in the shape of a horseshoe.

Various factors may result in hair loss amongst men. It may be because of a serious illness, reaction to certain medications, stress, hereditary factors, etc.

Hair loss treatment for men pertaining to ‘individual’ symptoms is extremely important.  Everybody has different coping mechanisms and bodies which react differently. The symptoms shown play one of the strongest determinants in finding the right treatment for hair loss.

Hair loss prevention in men is best viewed as a gradual process, where you have to start off small and then build your way. You cannot fix the problem overnight. The first step is to go to an endocrinologist, who can find out if there are any hormonal reasons behind your hair loss. The next thing would be to take any prescribed medication by the doctor, once you have found out if your hormones are causing the imbalance.

There are a number of herbal remedies which can be prepared. One of them includes mixing aloe vera gel with triphala and applying it to the scalp and hair.  

Two medicines which have periodically found to be effective to treat male pattern baldness include finasteride and minoxidil. Both of these medicines should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Finasteride is a tablet which works at preventing testerone from converting to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone which causes hair follicles to shrink; thereby blocking its production.  Minoxidil is a lotion which causes hair regrowth.

Besides this homeopathy plays a crucial role in providing a holistic solution to treating hair loss.

10 Best Natural Remedies to stop hair loss

Are you suffering from baldness? Is it difficult for you to manage your hair loss? For years together, men and women have been dealing with hair fall problems. Though hair fall is genetic and natural, a combination of healthy diet, massage and liquids, promotes healthy growth of hair. Try some natural remedies to fight hair loss and encourage healthy growth.

Suffering From Hair Loss Problem

Long gone are the days when natural remedies for hair loss were a prime solution for people suffering from baldness. Thanks to the pharmacy sector and medical industry, people are using natural ways to cure any health issue. Baldness is not an exception! Men as well as women face a serious problem of hair loss and have a difficult time managing the issues.

Hair fall natural remedies have helped people deal with their hair issues smartly. From medicines to exercises and from therapies to natural remedies, the medication sector has gone through a number of changing trends over the past few years. Here are some of the sure remedies to reduce the chances of baldness and grow healthy hair:

Natural Hair Fall Remedies

10 Natural Hair Fall Remedies

  1. Protein Intake - As proteins are essential elements for developing every tissue of the body, proper intake of proteins helps grow strong hair.
  2. B-Complex - Intake of B-Complex provides nourishment to your hair.
  3. Regulate hormones - Take care of personal hormonal imbalances through natural supplements to increase healthy hormone levels in the body. By regulating hormones, you can encourage better hair growth.
  4. Vitamin A - As Vitamin A works with fat synthesis, it is an important element to maintain healthy hair. Intake of eggs, kale, carrots and other leafy vegetables help improve the health of hair.
  5. Drink more water - Growth of any tissue and its health depends a lot on how much hydrated the body is. Hair tissues itself are made up of elements of water. Drinking lot of water, daily, keeps dehydration away. Healthy growth of hair is what you can achieve at the end!
  6. Vitamin E - Vitamin E encourages proper circulation of blood and develops new blood vessels. This in return helps proper growth of new hair.
  7. Herbs - Herbs are one of the assured ways to naturally cure your hair loss problem. Lavender, thyme and rosemary helps repair the damage done to your hair. Balding and thinning can also be prevented.
  8. Avoid smoking - Smoking reduced circulation of pure blood towards the scalp. Avoid smoking to purify the blood and improve health of your health.
  9. Aromatherapy - Massaging your scalp with oil extracts can help grow thicker hair. Use ginger, lavender, fenugreek and rosemary oil extracts for faster growth. These oil extracts can be mixed with 15ml of carrier oil like jojoba.
  10. Homeopathy - Apart from diet and exercises, homeopathy is one of the proven ways to develop hair growing tissues.
Considering the importance of natural products, more and more people are going ahead with natural remedies to cure any situation. Hair loss, a very common issue amongst men and women, can also be treated naturally. Thanks to medical improvements, yoga, diet and hair fall natural remedies, people are able to solve their problems. Ofcourse, you need to make many changes in your diet and routine in order to encourage a healthy growth of hair.

Hair fall, a common problem faced by thousands of people every year

For years together, people of all ages and from all around the globe have been suffering from hair fall. The tragedy of baldness and premature hair fall still continues among-st not only men but also women! Though it is not one of the major health issues or skin diseases, it is still a matter of concern for those who face loss of hair at young age. There is nothing much to worry about a daily natural hair loss but if you tend to lose more hair in quick time, you need to think seriously about taking up a suitable treatment. Are you facing an abnormal hair loss? There is no need to worry much about! Natural ways to treat hair fall will calm you down!

Reasons for loss of hair

Complications from any medical treatments and diseases, improper diet and hormonal complications are some of the common reasons for loss of hair. The causes of hair fall vary from person to person. Loss of hair due to hormone complications can be a result of higher male hormones or the receptors that are linked with follicles of hair. 

This component is inherited through Pitta constitution. As per Ayurveda, it is clear that intake of sour food, tea, coffee, sour food and spicy food generates extra Pitta in the body. Too much of oily and spicy food aggravates hair fall. Stress, intake of certain medicines, imbalance in thyroid and acute illness are some other reasons for regular loss of hair. Poor health, hormonal imbalance, allergies and poor hygiene are some of the reasons of hair fall.

Natural ways to prevent hair loss

Natural hair fall treatment is always better than other medications and drugs that may carry certain side effects. Here are some of the assured ways to treat your hair fall and get rid of it permanently:

  1. Hot oil treatments- Hot oil treatment or an oil massage works well to keep the hair healthy. Coconut, olive or canola oil nourishes hair and prevents them from falling. Heat the oil until warm and massage it on the scalp for some time. Shampoo your hair after an hours’ time.
  2. Juices- rubbing your scalp with onion juice, ginger juice or garlic juice helps a lot. Apply fresh juices on your scalp, leave it overnight and thoroughly wash your head next morning.
  3. Head massage- regular massage helps circulate blood and keeps the hair follicles active. Circulation can be easily improved by massaging the scalp with lavender oil or sesame oil.
  4. Meditation- Many times, it is observed that tension and stress are two of the major reasons for hair loss. Meditation helps reduce the tension and stress, which in return prevent further loss of hair.
  5. Antioxidants- applying warm green tea extracts on your scalp is a natural way of preventing loss of hair.
  6. Iron and protein rich diet is always recommended as a hair loss treatment
Up to a particular extent, the hair quality and life depends on individual body structure. So it is important to maintain a healthy diet and follow routine exercises. For any hair loss issues, you can any time depend on natural remedies and ayurvedic treatments.
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